The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 07

Table of Contents
A Story Woven with Words of Meaning In a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a young artist named Amelia. Her hands possessed a deftness (skill, acumen) that seemed almost magical. With each stroke of her brush and every delicate movement, she brought to life vibrant scenes that seemed to delineate (describe very accurately) the very essence of beauty. However, not everyone appreciated Amelia's talent. There were those who would denigrate (say negative things about) her work, attempting to undermine her creativity with their hurtful words. But Amelia refused to let their words desiccate (dry out completely) her passion. Instead, she channeled her inner strength and transformed their negativity into fuel for her artistic fire. Despite the diffidence (shyness, timidity) that sometimes plagued her, Amelia persevered. She realized that art was her voice, her means of expression. And so, she continued to paint with a determination that was the determinant (a strong fa…
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