The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 14

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Shades of Obscurity Within the realm of human existence, some souls are destined for notoriety (fame for doing something negative or criminal), their actions etched in the annals of infamy. Others, however, dwell in the obscure (mysterious or not well-known) corners of existence, where secrets and enigmas abound. Life, in its infinite wisdom, offers a nuance (subtle shades of difference) of experiences. It is in these subtleties that the true essence of being is revealed, hidden beneath the surface like whispers carried by the wind. Yet, some hearts remain obdurate (stubborn, obstinate), unyielding in the face of change. Their minds entrenched in their own convictions, unwilling to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of compromise. Veiled in an opaque (not see-through; blocking light) shroud, they traverse the realms of uncertainty, embracing the obscure (mysterious or not well-known) and the occult (the mystical and supernatural). The hidden knowledge that lies beyond the veil calls to t…
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