The 370 GRE Words You Must Know: Passage 05

Table of Contents
Random Writing with Fancy Language Let us embark on another journey into the realm of words, where their meanings intertwine and shape the tapestry of our communication. Each word, like a shimmering jewel, adds its unique hue to the mosaic of expression. Reflect upon the power of a contrite (remorseful) heart, where humility and remorse flow as rivers of redemption. Let us acknowledge our faults, seeking forgiveness and striving for personal growth. Beware the labyrinthine paths of the convoluted (roundabout, not straightforward), for they twist and turn, obscuring the truth. Seek clarity amidst the intricacies, for simplicity often holds the key to understanding. Marvel at the abundance of ideas that flow, like a river teeming with life, for the realm of knowledge is copious (plentiful or abundant). Let us drink deeply from this wellspring, quenching our thirst for wisdom and expanding the horizons of our understanding. Embrace the allure of the cosmopolitan (of or relating to a city or u…
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