The 370 GRE Words You Must Know - Passage 01

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In the labyrinth of existence, the ebb and flow of life's tapestry, one finds a symphony of words that dance upon the stage of expression. Let us explore the realm of vocabulary, where the abate (to diminish in intensity) of intensity intertwines with the aberrant (diverging from the standard type) divergences from standard conventions. Abjure (to reject or renounce) the shackles of mediocrity and abscond (to leave secretly, evading detection) from the mundane. Embrace the acumen (keen judgment and perception) of keen judgment, admonishing (scolding or advising firmly) those who wallow in the depths of ignorance. Beware the adulteration (contamination or making impure by introducing inferior elements) of truth, for it taints the very essence of our being. Advocate (to recommend, support, or advise) for the aesthetic (concerned with the nature of beauty and art), where beauty and art coalesce, becoming a sanctuary of respite amidst affectations (fake or artificial behavior, often mea…
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