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She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron, Analysis & Summary

This study guide provides a detailed analysis of Lord Byron's poem "She Walks in Beauty." It explores each stanza in depth, highlighting the imagery and themes present. The guide also delves into the major themes of the poem, including beauty, purity, and the power of appearance. Additionally, it provides six facts about the poet, Lord Byron, shedding light on his life and works. The critical analysis section examines the poem's structure, language, and literary devices used. It also explores the attitudes and feelings conveyed in the poem. Lastly, the guide suggests similar poems and how they relate to "She Walks in Beauty."

Poem Text

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!


Stanza 1:
In the first stanza of "She Walks in Beauty," Lord Byron compares the beauty of a woman to the serene and captivating qualities of the night sky. He describes her as walking in beauty, similar to a cloudless and starry night. The contrasting elements of darkness and brightness merge harmoniously in her appearance, creating a tender light that surpasses the gaudiness of daylight.

Stanza 2:
The second stanza emphasizes the delicate balance of beauty and grace. Byron suggests that even a slight alteration in her appearance, such as a shade more or a ray less, would diminish the unnamed quality of her grace. He specifically mentions her dark hair, which waves and contributes to her overall allure. The thoughts expressed on her face reflect a sense of tranquility and sweetness, indicative of the purity and preciousness of her inner self.

Stanza 3:
In the final stanza, Lord Byron focuses on the woman's facial features—her cheeks and brow. He describes them as soft, calm, and eloquent, radiating smiles and glowing tints. These outward signs of beauty, however, also convey a deeper meaning. They symbolize a life well-lived, filled with goodness and innocence. The woman possesses a peaceful mind and a loving heart that remains untainted by the troubles of the world.

Major Themes

Beauty and Harmony:
The poem explores the concept of beauty and how it can be found in the balance between contrasting elements. The woman's physical beauty is depicted as a harmonious combination of dark and light, creating a captivating aura.

Purity and Innocence:
Lord Byron portrays the woman as not only externally beautiful but also internally pure. Her appearance reflects a life lived in goodness, with a heart untouched by malice or corruption.

Transcendence of Day and Night:
The poem suggests that the woman's beauty surpasses the limitations of both day and night. Her radiance is described as being even more enchanting than the brightest day and the most starry night.

The Power of Appearance:
Byron highlights the significance of physical appearance in conveying inner qualities. The woman's outward beauty is seen as a reflection of her inner virtues and serenity.

Lord Byron

  1. Full Name: George Gordon Byron
  2. Birthdate: January 22, 1788
  3. Nationality: British
  4. Notable Works: Besides "She Walks in Beauty," Byron is known for his works such as "Don Juan," "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage," and "The Corsair."
  5. Style and Influence: Byron was a prominent figure in the Romantic movement and was known for his lyrical and passionate poetry. He had a significant influence on subsequent poets and writers.
  6. Personal Life: Byron had a tumultuous personal life, characterized by scandalous affairs and a turbulent marriage. He was also known for his active involvement in politics.

Critical Analysis

"She Walks in Beauty" is a poem that celebrates the beauty of a woman while exploring themes of harmony, purity, and the power of appearance. Lord Byron's use of vivid imagery and contrasting elements creates a captivating portrayal of the woman's allure.

The poem "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron eloquently captures the essence of feminine beauty, celebrating its harmony, purity, and transcendent qualities. Through vivid imagery and skillful juxtapositions, Byron portrays the woman as a source of awe and admiration, her appearance reflecting both inner grace and outer allure.


  • The night: Symbolizes the serene and captivating beauty that the woman embodies.
  • The tender light: Represents the harmonious combination of dark and light in the woman's appearance.
  • The smiles and tints: Symbolize the purity and goodness of the woman's character.


  • Euphony: The poem employs melodic and pleasing sounds, enhancing the overall aesthetic experience.
  • Contrasting adjectives: Dark and bright, soft and calm, gaudy and tender—these contrasting words create a sense of balance and beauty.
  • Expressive diction: The poet's choice of words evokes emotions of admiration, tranquility, and innocence.


  • The poem consists of three quatrains, each with an ABAB rhyme scheme, contributing to its lyrical and musical quality.
  • Regular meter: The poem follows an iambic tetrameter pattern, with lines containing four stressed and four unstressed syllables.

Sound devices

  • Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds, such as "cloudless climes" and "softly lightens," creates a musical quality.
  • Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds, like the long "o" in "soft, so calm, yet eloquent," enhances the melodious flow of the poem.

Literary Devices

  • Synecdoche: The woman's physical beauty represents her inner qualities and virtues.
  • Oxymoron: The merging of contrasting elements, such as "dark and bright," adds depth and complexity to the portrayal of beauty.


  • Admiration: The speaker expresses a deep admiration for the woman's beauty and the harmony it embodies.
  • Tranquility: The woman's appearance reflects a sense of serenity and calmness.
  • Innocence: The poem suggests that the woman possesses a pure and untainted heart.

Similar Poems

  • "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats: Both poems explore the theme of beauty and its transcendent qualities, drawing inspiration from nature.
  • "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare: Like "She Walks in Beauty," this sonnet celebrates the beauty of a beloved, emphasizing the power of appearance to defy the limitations of time.
  • "A Red, Red Rose" by Robert Burns: This poem shares the theme of beauty and uses vivid imagery to describe the speaker's admiration for his beloved.
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