Latin Words & Phrases Used in English: Passage 02

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A Tapestry of Words Once upon a time, in a realm where words held sway over hearts and minds, there existed a young wordsmith named Oliver. He possessed a deep reverence for the power of language, each word a brushstroke upon the canvas of human expression. Guided by the wisdom of generations past, Oliver embarked on a journey to explore the intricate tapestry woven by words. Carpe diem ([kar-pey dee-em], Seize the day), whispered a gentle breeze as it caressed Oliver's cheek, urging him to seize the day. With a spark in his eyes, he embraced each dawn as an opportunity for discovery and growth. The world became his oyster, and he reveled in the endless possibilities that stretched before him. As Oliver delved further into the depths of linguistic knowledge, he stumbled upon the phrase casus belli ([kah-suh s bel-ahy], An act justifying war). It was a reminder of the fragile balance that governed nations, where words held the power to both unite and divide. He pondered the consequenc…
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