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Her First Ball, Katherine Mansfield, Analysis, Summary, Themes

"Her First Ball" by Katherine Mansfield is a captivating short story set in the 1920s. Leila, a country girl attending her inaugural dance with her city cousins, experiences a mix of excitement and introspection. As she navigates the crowded ballroom, Leila encounters various dance partners, including a melancholic older man who paints a sobering picture of her future. Mansfield skillfully captures the essence of youth, anticipation, and self-discovery in this poignant tale.

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Katherine Mansfield

• Prominent modernist writer of short fiction
• Born and brought up in colonial New Zealand

Plot Sumamry

Leila, a young girl attending her first ball, experiences a mix of excitement and insecurity. She joins her companions in a cab, feeling a sense of anticipation. Leila's lack of previous ball experience surprises the Sheridan girls, who come from a more social background. As they arrive at the ball, Leila is captivated by the new and thrilling atmosphere.

Leila is enamored by the elegance and novelty of everything around her. She is fascinated by the appearance of her cousins and other attendees, and the presence of her cousin Laurie makes her long for siblings. The group arrives at the drill hall, where the ladies' room is crowded with women preparing for the event.

Once inside the hall, Leila is overwhelmed by the vibrant atmosphere and the music. Her partner finally appears, and she is relieved to have someone to dance with. Leila realizes the stark contrast between dancing with girls and dancing with men, appreciating the grace and skill of her male partners.

Leila's joy and sense of being alive intensify as she dances, and she revels in the beauty of the venue and the music. She begins to feel more grown-up and part of the social scene. Leila interacts with different partners throughout the evening, sharing brief conversations and enjoying the experience.

During a dance break, Leila briefly reflects on her happiness and the transformation the ball has brought to her perception of the night. She observes her surroundings and is grateful for the enchanting atmosphere. The evening continues with dances and short conversations, but Leila's partners show little interest in her stories about this being her first ball.

Eventually, Leila dances with an older man, who appears worn out and past his prime. He shares his perspective on the passing of time and hints at the transience of youth. His words evoke a sense of melancholy in Leila, making her question the impermanence of happiness and her own future.

Feeling overwhelmed by these thoughts, Leila decides she wants to leave. The fat man accompanies her to the door, and she expresses her desire to stop dancing. The story ends on a poignant note, as Leila contemplates the fleeting nature of happiness and the realization that life's joyful moments are not everlasting.



• Leila is from the country and she goes to her first ball with her cousins
• She is thrilled and overjoyed with everything


• She dances with a 30-year-old fat man
• Shows her the repetitiveness and eventual predictability of her life; the harsh truth


• Saddened and depressed by the old man’s comments
• Wants get out of the ballroom


• As she leaves, young man bows before her so she dances with him out of politeness • She forgets about what the old man had said and lifts her from her moods

Effects of the Exposition

Setting: London, England in a Ballroom

• Vivid descriptions of setting:
• Personification: ‘past waltzing lamp-posts and houses and fences and trees.’
• Simile/imagery: 'road was bright on either side with moving fan-like lights, and … gay couples seemed to float through the air; little satin shoes chased each other like birds.’
• Personification: ‘a burst of tuning from the drill hall, it leaped almost to the ceiling.’

Emotions of Leila revealed through third person subjective and objective

• ‘Oh dear, how hard it was to be indifferent like the others!’ (nervous)
• ‘softly, gently opening and shutting her fan.’
• ‘But every single thing was so new and exciting’ (excited)
• ‘Oh, how marvellous to have a brother!’
• ‘she couldn't have helped crying’


Leila – Protagonist

• Superficial: ‘And because they were all laughing it seemed to Leila that they were all lovely’
• Desperate and scared: ‘Oh dear, how hard it was to be indifferent like the others!’
• Isolated: ‘she was an only child’
• Does not understand the rules and conventions in the society: ‘Am I meant to have one too?’
• Overwhelmed/pleased: ‘How heavenly; how simply heavenly’ (repetition)
• Depressed by old man: ‘deep inside her a little girl threw her pinafore over her head and sobbed’

Odious Fat Man – Protagonist

• Old and fat: ‘Old man – fat with a big bald patch’, ‘for the last thirty years’
• Description: ‘waistcoat was creased, there was a button off his glove, his coat looked as if it was dusty with French chalk’ ‘looked shabby’
• Pessimistic: ‘you'll be sitting up there on the stage, looking on … your heart will ache, ache’

Juxtaposition of Young Man and Fat Man

• The odious old man was ’fat with a big bald patch’ while the other was a ‘young man with curly hair’
• The dance with the old man was ‘more like walking than dancing’ while with the young man, ‘her feet glided, glided’

Effectiveness of Ending

• Initially, you feel angry at the old man for depressing Leila and you think that is the end
• The last paragraph changes everything because she dances with a young man and she forgets about the comments and the old man himself; ‘she didn't even recognise him again’
• Overall, it is effective because you feel satisfied that the protagonist is happy again
• However, the comments of the odious old man make sense to you and you feel that Leila, though it would have made her sad, should have recognized them

Critical Analysis

"Her First Ball" is a short story by Katherine Mansfield that explores the theme of innocence and the fleeting nature of joy. The story follows Leila, a young girl attending her first ball, as she navigates the excitement, anticipation, and eventual disillusionment of the experience.

Mansfield effectively captures Leila's sense of wonder and naivety through vivid descriptions and sensory details. Leila is portrayed as a sheltered girl from the countryside, unfamiliar with the social world and the thrill of attending a ball. As she enters the cab with the Sheridan family, she becomes enchanted by the sights and sounds of the city, feeling a sense of liberation and excitement.

The contrast between Leila's innocent perspective and the jaded attitudes of those around her becomes apparent throughout the story. The Sheridan girls, who have attended many balls before, find Leila's excitement strange and incomprehensible. Leila tries to emulate their indifference, but she fails to suppress her genuine enthusiasm and awe at every new experience.

The male characters in the story, particularly Laurie and the fat man, represent different stages of life and offer contrasting views on the fleeting nature of youth and happiness. Laurie, Leila's cousin, embodies the carefree spirit of youth, while the fat man, an older and more experienced dancer, cynically reminds Leila of the transitory nature of beauty and joy. This encounter with the fat man shakes Leila's optimism and introduces her to the harsh reality of aging and the inevitable passage of time.

Mansfield employs symbolism throughout the story to underscore its themes. The ball itself symbolizes a rite of passage, a coming-of-age moment for Leila. The dance floor represents the transient nature of happiness, as the characters glide and twirl for a brief moment before being swept away by the currents of life. The pink satin shoes and the azaleas evoke notions of beauty and fragility, emphasizing the ephemeral nature of youth and pleasure.

Ultimately, "Her First Ball" serves as a poignant exploration of the loss of innocence and the bittersweet realization that happiness and joy are transient. Mansfield conveys these themes through Leila's journey, capturing the transformative power of a single night and the subsequent dashing of her expectations. The story is a reminder of the inevitability of change and the importance of cherishing and appreciating moments of joy, however fleeting they may be.

Major Themes

The themes in "Her First Ball" by Katherine Mansfield include:
  1. Innocence and Experience: The story explores the contrast between Leila's innocent and naïve perspective as she attends her first ball and the jaded attitudes of the more experienced characters. Leila's excitement and wonder highlight the loss of innocence that comes with growing up and encountering the realities of the world.
  2. Transience of Joy: Mansfield emphasizes the fleeting nature of happiness and pleasure. The ball serves as a metaphor for life's fleeting moments of joy, as the characters dance and revel in the moment before it swiftly passes. Leila's initial excitement gives way to disappointment as she realizes the brevity of the experience.
  3. Social Expectations and Conformity: The story touches on societal pressures and the expectations placed on individuals, particularly women, in social settings. Leila attempts to conform to the Sheridan girls' aloofness and indifference, but ultimately fails to suppress her genuine emotions and enthusiasm. Mansfield critiques the suffocating nature of societal norms and the need to conform, suggesting that true joy comes from embracing one's authentic self.
  4. Coming of Age: "Her First Ball" explores the theme of coming-of-age and the transition from childhood to adulthood. Leila's first ball symbolizes a rite of passage and marks her entrance into the adult world. Through this experience, she gains a deeper understanding of the complexities and realities of life.
  5. Mortality and the Passage of Time: The encounter with the fat man serves as a reminder of the inevitable passage of time and the ephemeral nature of beauty and youth. Leila's realization that she too will age and lose her youthful charm underscores the theme of mortality and the transient nature of life's pleasures.
  6. The Illusion of Happiness: Mansfield highlights the contrast between the illusion of happiness and its actual realization. Leila's anticipation of the ball builds up an idealized image of joy and fulfillment, but her experience falls short of her expectations. The story explores the notion that happiness can often be elusive and subject to disappointment when reality fails to align with our fantasies.

    These themes collectively create a narrative that explores the complexities of human existence, the loss of innocence, and the fleeting nature of happiness.
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