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Hellas: Chorus by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Analysis & Summary

Introduction: This study guide delves into Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem "Hellas: Chorus," offering a comprehensive analysis of its stanzas, major themes, and critical aspects. The guide explores the poem's symbolism, language, structure, sound devices, and underlying attitudes and feelings. Additionally, it suggests similar poems that share thematic connections with "Hellas: Chorus." Through this study guide, readers can gain a deeper understanding of Shelley's poetic craftsmanship and the profound ideas conveyed within the poem.

Poem Text

The world's great age begins anew,
The golden years return,
The earth doth like a snake renew
Her winter weeds outworn:
Heaven smiles, and faiths and empires gleam
Like wrecks of a dissolving dream.

A brighter Hellas rears its mountains
From waves serener far;
A new Peneus rolls his fountains
Against the morning star.
Where fairer Tempes bloom, there sleep
Young Cyclads on a sunnier deep.

A loftier Argo cleaves the main,
Fraught with a later prize;
Another Orpheus sings again,
And loves, and weeps, and dies.
A new Ulysses leaves once more
Calypso for his native shore.

Oh, write no more the tale of Troy,
If earth Death's scroll must be!
Nor mix with Laian rage the joy
Which dawns upon the free:
Although a subtler Sphinx renew
Riddles of death Thebes never knew.

Another Athens shall arise,
And to remoter time
Bequeath, like sunset to the skies,
The splendour of its prime;
And leave, if nought so bright may live,
All earth can take or Heaven can give.

Explanation of Each Stanza in Detail

Chorus (Stanza 1): The poem begins with a depiction of a new era, symbolized by the world's renewal and the return of golden years. The stanza explores the transient nature of faiths, empires, and dreams, hinting at their ephemeral existence.

Stanza 2: Shelley presents a vision of a revitalized Greece, with majestic mountains emerging from serene waves. The stanza alludes to the rejuvenation of nature and the mythical beauty of the region, emphasizing a sense of harmony and tranquility.

Stanza 3: A grander ship, reminiscent of the legendary Argo, sails the sea, carrying a new generation and pursuing a different quest. The references to Orpheus and Ulysses highlight the cyclical nature of human experiences and the themes of love, loss, and the longing for home.

Stanza 4: The speaker implores the cessation of writing about Troy's tale and the blending of sorrow and joy. The stanza suggests the futility of dwelling on past conflicts and proposes the exploration of new riddles and mysteries yet unknown.

Stanza 5: Another Athens, a symbol of intellectual and cultural glory, is prophesied to rise and leave an indelible mark on future generations. The stanza reflects on the fleeting nature of human achievements and the legacy they leave behind.

Stanza 6: The speaker envisions the reawakening of Saturn and Love, personifying cosmic forces that will surpass both fallen and undefeated beings. The stanza emphasizes the power of compassion and emotions as superior offerings over material wealth and bloodshed.

Stanza 7: The poem concludes with a plea for the cessation of hate, death, and violence. The stanza expresses weariness with the past and a desire for a world that can find rest or experience transformation.

Major Themes in Detail

Renewal and Rebirth: "Hellas: Chorus" explores the themes of renewal and rebirth, depicting a world and civilization that undergo a process of rejuvenation and regeneration.

Transience of Human Achievements: The poem contemplates the ephemeral nature of human accomplishments, emphasizing the impermanence of empires, faiths, and even Troy's tale.

Hope and Transformation: Shelley infuses the poem with a sense of hope and transformation, suggesting the potential for a brighter future and the birth of a new Athens that will leave an enduring legacy.

Critical Analysis in Detail


  • Golden years: Represents a period of prosperity and harmony.
  • Peneus and Tempes : Symbolize idyllic landscapes associated with Greek mythology.
  • Argo, Orpheus, Ulysses: Mythological figures symbolizing the cyclical nature of human experiences and the pursuit of quests.


  • Elevated and poetic language: Shelley employs rich and evocative language to create vivid imagery and enhance the mythical and transcendent elements of the poem.
  • Metaphorical expressions: The poem contains metaphors that convey deeper meanings and philosophical ideas.


  • Stanzaic structure: The poem consists of seven stanzas, each contributing to the overall narrative and thematic exploration.

Sound devices:

  • Alliteration: Shelley utilizes alliteration to create rhythm and musicality in the poem.
  • Rhyme scheme: The poem follows an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme, contributing to its harmonious flow.

Attitudes/Feelings in Detail:

  • Optimism and Vision: The poem expresses a hopeful and visionary perspective, envisioning a future marked by transformation and the triumph of love over hate.
  • Weariness with the Past: The speaker conveys a sense of fatigue and disillusionment with the recurring themes of hatred, death, and violence that have plagued human history.

Similar Poems & How They Match

  • "Prometheus Unbound" by Percy Bysshe Shelley: Both poems share themes of renewal, transformation, and the transcendence of human limitations. They explore the potential for a brighter future and emphasize the power of love and compassion in reshaping the world.
  • "Ode to Joy" by Friedrich Schiller: These poems share a similar vision of a harmonious and united world. They advocate for the triumph of joy, love, and brotherhood over strife and division.
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