French Words & Phrases Used in English: Passage 06

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Whispers of Intrigue: The Secrets of Elegance Unveiled In the dimly lit room, amidst a haze of cigarette smoke, a femme fatale (fem fa-tal) [deadly woman] casts her bewitching gaze upon unsuspecting souls. Her allure is undeniable, her mystery intoxicating. Men fall prey to her enchantments, succumbing to the treacherous paths she lays before them. As you take your seat at the lavish table, a delicate dish is placed before you—a masterpiece known as foie gras (fwah grah) [fat liver]. Its rich flavors dance on your tongue, a testament to the decadence of gastronomy. Though it may not be to everyone's taste, its reputation as a delicacy is unrivaled. Amidst the sophisticated ambiance, you observe a guest who lacks the finesse of etiquette. Their actions are gauche (gohsh) [awkward], betraying a lack of social grace. They stand out like a sore thumb, a jarring presence in this elegant setting. As the evening unfolds, you immerse yourself in the artistry that surrounds you. Each dish is a…
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