A Sunburnt Country, Dorothea Mackellar, Analysis, Summary, Themes & Style

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A Sunburnt Country, Dorothea Mackellar, Analysis, Summary, Themes & Style
This poem, titled "My Country," that is famously remembered as "I Love a Sunburnt Country" is a patriotic ode to the author's love for her homeland, Australia. The speaker begins by acknowledging the beauty of other landscapes, such as the English countryside, but admits that her love is for the sunburnt plains and rugged terrain of her own country. She describes the various natural features of Australia, from its sweeping plains and mountain ranges to its tangle of brush and orchids that adorn the trees. The speaker expresses her devotion to her country despite its harsh climate, including droughts and flooding rains that bring both beauty and tragedy. She emphasizes the resilience of the land, which rewards its inhabitants with lush greenery after periods of dryness. The poem ends with a declaration of the author's deep connection to her country, a place that she considers to be her true home. My Country Poem The love of field and coppice, Of green and …
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