Foreign Words and Phrases Used in English: List 1
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1. Le Mot Juste /moʊ ˈʒüst/ Meaning: [French] The most appropriate word. Example: He's the kind of guy who always has the mot juste on the tip of his tongue and the wit to know when to say it, and when not to. 2. Schadenfreude /ʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/ (4 syllables: "SHAA"duhn"froy"duh") Meaning: [German] The pleasure one takes from someone else’s misfortune. Example: This, on the other hand, is just pure mean-spirited snark, the more so as it invites us to feel political schadenfreude over geniune tragedy. 3. Modus Operandi /məʊdəs ˌɒpəˈrændi/ (6 syllables: "MOH"duhs"OP"uh"RAN"dee") Meaning: [Latin] method of operating. Example: The modus operandi in most cases has been remarkably similar in its old-school simplicity. 4.…