Banking Concept of Education: Critical Pedagogy

The banking concept of education is a term coined by Brazilian educational theorist Paulo Freire in his book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." The concept refers to a traditional model of education in which the role of the teacher is to "deposit" knowledge into the minds of the students, who are seen as empty vessels waiting to be filled. This model is characterized by a teacher-centered approach to learning in which the teacher holds all the power and control, and the students are passive recipients of knowledge.

Examples of the banking concept of education in practice might include:

Lecture-based teaching: In this model, the teacher stands at the front of the class and delivers a lecture on a particular topic, while the students sit and listen passively. The teacher is the source of knowledge, and the students are expected to absorb this knowledge without questioning or challenging it.

Textbook-based learning: In this model, the textbook is seen as the primary source of knowledge, and the teacher's role is to guide the students through the material and ensure that they understand it. The students are expected to memorize the information in the textbook and regurgitate it on tests and exams.

Standardized testing: Standardized tests are often used as a measure of student learning, and they often rely on a banking concept of education. Students are expected to memorize and regurgitate facts and information, rather than engage in critical thinking and analysis.

Grade-based evaluation: In the banking concept of education, students' progress is often evaluated based on grades, which are based on their ability to memorize and reproduce information. This can discourage students from asking questions or engaging in critical thinking, as they are more focused on getting a good grade than on truly understanding the material.

Overall, the banking concept of education is a traditional and highly authoritarian approach to teaching and learning that places the teacher in a position of power and the students in a position of subservience. It has been widely criticized for its lack of emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving, and for its failure to engage students in meaningful and authentic learning experiences.

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