Exploring On the Intellectual Beauty by Plotinus

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Exploring On the Intellectual Beauty by Plotinus
Plotinus, a prominent neo-Platonic philosopher, presents a distinct perspective on art that challenges Plato's notion that art merely imitates the world of appearances, placing it twice removed from reality. In Plotinus' philosophical framework, art occupies a more elevated position. He extends Plato's concept of the division between the world of appearances and true reality, considering art as an emanation from the ultimately unknowable "One." Plotinus and the "One" Plotinus identifies the "One" as the foundational source of all existence and the origin of value, which manifests through a triad comprising the Good, the Intellect, and its knowledge, and the All-Soul. In Plotinus' perspective, everything emanates from the "One." Reality is depicted as a series of expanding concentric circles, each dependent on the preceding one and all stemming from the eternal "One." The ultimate goal is the return to this singular sour…
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