Gothic Poems to Love & Liberty
A hauntingly beautiful collection of poetry that explores love, freedom, and the shadows of the soul.
A hauntingly beautiful collection of poetry that explores love, freedom, and the shadows of the soul.
Shortly after immigrating to America in 1939, the British poet W.H. Auden composed "The Unknown Citizen." The poem was written in honour of a guy who recently passed away and who lived what the government considered to be an exemplary life. It is a type of sarcastic elegy. Really, this life seems to have been perfectly mundane—exemplary only in the sense that this individual never questioned or deviated from societal norms.
(To JS/07 M 378
The State erected this memorial made of marble to honour JS/07 M378. The Bureau of Statistics reports that no one has ever filed an official complaint against him. The other accounts of his actions all state that he was, in essence, the ideal citizen because he carried out all of his societal obligations. With the exception of his time spent serving in the War, he worked at the same job his entire life until he retired. Fudge Motors Inc., his workplace, had no issues with him. He donated to his Union (which, as far as we can tell, posed no threat) and had a completely normal attitude on life and politics. Our psychology department also found that his buddies enjoyed spending time with him. The Official Media reported that he routinely purchased newspapers and replied to advertisements as was expected. He had the right insurance, and according to our official medical documents, he just required one hospital stay. He supported the State's vision, according to the departments in charge of arranging society, and he had everything a modern person would require, including a record player, radio, automobile, and refrigerator. If it was a calm, he approved, but he also went to war when we wanted him to, according to our Public Opinion department. He always held the correct perspective on the important subjects. According to our government official who seeks to maximise the gene pool, he had a wife and five children, which contributed the right number of fresh people to society. Without interfering with their instruction, he let the teachers of the kids do their jobs. We would have known if there was something wrong with him, so asking if he was free or happy is ludicrous.
Written by Auden to underline the importance of the individual and the increasingly faceless bureaucracy that can develop in any nation with any form of government, be it left-wing or right-wing, "The Unknown Citizen" is both sarcastic and unsettling. The poem has a cold, clinical tone; the speaker is probably a well-dressed official who is conveying the state's detachment. The unidentified citizen is reduced to little more than a number and a string of letters; there is no indication of a name, a birthplace, or loved ones.
The modern citizen was conditioned and brainwashed by those in power to stay conformist who never questioned the authorities and stayed as a saint to serve the greater purpose as manufactured through mass media propaganda and status quo by the modern state.
This resident has one of the cleanest homes in the larger community, therefore there is some effective corporate brainwashing at work here. Although he lacks critical thinking skills, he is the kind of man you want to live next door. He maintains his possessions and abides by all societal norms. This man is a typical Joe, a model citizen who has grown accustomed to routine and won't challenge it unless the government asks him to participate in military operations.
The speaker refers to the Eugenist, a scientist who studies eugenics and this man's family's genetic composition, and declares stolidly that his five children were the "correct amount" for his generation. The speaker is aware that individuals in positions of authority have taken all necessary steps to undermine the citizenry, with persuasive propaganda serving as their primary method. This is how they eliminate dissent, social discontent, freedom of speech, and critical thought.
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