Base and Superstructure

Base and Superstructure
Our society is conditioned and structured by the economic realities of our time. While achieving and maintaining economic power is the ultimate motive and force behind all social and political activities such as education, Philosophy, ideology, government, art-science, technology, media and so on. Therefore, economic conditions are the base/infrastructure while social, political and ideological realities built on economic conditions are the Superstructure. The family structure, ethics, behaviours, and beliefs are all shaped and structured by the base, that is to say, the economics and its relations of production. So the Base structures and shapes Superstructure while the Superstructure maintains and supports the Base. To break it down even further. the economic conditions shape ethics, family structures, social relations, political realities, beliefs and so on while they all support a current economic theory which is shaping them into how and what they are! And now, since we k…