The Hollow Men By T.S Eliot: Modernism

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The Hollow Men By T.S Eliot: Modernism
Nobel Prize winner in Literature, T.S Eliot is an acclaimed poet of the twentieth century. His work in criticism and literature played a monumental role in the development of the modernist style. Dealing with the terrors of the First World War as an outcome of an economy driven by the predatory profit motive; the inflicted horrors constituted the stylistic characteristic of modern poetry as the progenitor of distrust of authority, secular and religions, as well as rupture between soul and body.  The world through the paradigm shift of political, social, economic and scientific dynamics had gone through a metamorphosis just to end up in an atmosphere of chaos, discontent, isolation and moral decay as depicted in modern literature.  The Hollow Men as an acute embodiment of modernist style demonstrates all core elements of this new style as it deals with themes of fragmentation, isolation, and decay surrounding the damaged hollow men. Eliot depicts the fractured world around hollow men as …
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