Introduction to English Literature

Table of Contents
Introduction to English Literature
Literature means in the form of letters, that is to say, basically written content.  Literary Terms used a) Prodesse: Didacticism: Instructions and Learning b) Delectare: Aestheticism: Delight and Entertainment Basic Types of Literature There are two basic types of Literature Applied Literature: Didacticism All written content is devoid of delectare and serves the purpose of prodesse. Pure Literature: Aestheticism (+ Didacticism) All content in written form with aestheticism as its primary motive.  Schools of thought in Literature Pure Literature can further be divided into two major schools of thought. Art for Art Sake: Aestheticism Pure Literature must only serve aesthetic ends. Pure Literature should not concern with didacticism.  Art for Life Sake: Aestheticism + Didacticism  Pure Literature must concern with both didactic and aesthetic ends.  Further Classification Pure Literature is also further classified into three categories. Fiction: Literature which is not based on history and reality.  For E…
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  2. Mason
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