Introduction to English Literature

Table of Contents
Literature means in the form of letters, that is to say, basically written content. 

Literary Terms used
a) Prodesse: Didacticism: Instructions and Learning
b) Delectare: Aestheticism: Delight and Entertainment

Basic Types of Literature 
There are two basic types of Literature

Applied Literature: Didacticism

All written content is devoid of delectare and serves the purpose of prodesse.

Pure Literature: Aestheticism (+ Didacticism)

All content in written form with aestheticism as its primary motive. 

Schools of thought in Literature 
Pure Literature can further be divided into two major schools of thought.

Art for Art Sake: Aestheticism

Pure Literature must only serve aesthetic ends. Pure Literature should not concern with didacticism. 

Art for Life Sake: Aestheticism + Didacticism 

Pure Literature must concern with both didactic and aesthetic ends. 

Further Classification 
Pure Literature is also further classified into three categories.

Fiction: Literature which is not based on history and reality. 

For Example; poetry, novels and dramas. 

Nonfiction: Literature which is based on reality and history. 

For example; include biographies, autobiographies and essays. 

Fictionalisation: Fictionalising real and historical characters and events. Writing novels, dramas or poems depicting actual humans and historical events. 

Literature refers to written content, and it can be divided into two main types: applied literature, which serves the purpose of instruction without any focus on aesthetic pleasure, and pure literature, which combines elements of both instruction and aesthetic pleasure (Hudson 71). The term "didacticism" refers to the use of literature for instruction, while "aestheticism" refers to the use of literature for delight or entertainment (Klarer 12). Within pure literature, there are two main schools of thought: "art for art's sake," which prioritizes aesthetic pleasure over didacticism, and "art for life's sake," which combines both aesthetic pleasure and instruction (Sanders 45).

Pure literature can also be further classified into three categories: fiction, nonfiction, and fictionalization. Fiction refers to literature that is not based on reality or history, while nonfiction is based on reality and history (Hudson 89). Fictionalization involves the use of real and historical characters and events in fictional works such as novels, dramas, or poems (Klarer 32). In addition to these basic types and schools of thought, literature can also be classified based on genre. Genres are categories or types of literature that share similar characteristics and themes. Some common literary genres include poetry, prose, drama, and creative nonfiction.

Poetry is a genre of literature that uses language to evoke emotions and create imagery through the use of rhythm, sound, and figurative language (Hudson 118). Poetry can take many forms, including sonnets, haikus, free verse, and more. Prose is a genre of literature that consists of written or spoken language in sentences and paragraphs (Klarer 56). It can be fiction or nonfiction and includes works such as novels, short stories, and essays. Drama is a genre of literature that is written to be performed on stage or screen (Sanders 78). It includes plays and screenplays, and often focuses on character development and dialogue. Creative nonfiction is a genre that combines elements of fiction and nonfiction to create a narrative that is based on real events (Hudson 141). It includes works such as memoirs, biographies, and personal essays.

1. Hudson, William Henry. Introduction to the Study of Literature. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.
2. Klarer, Mario. Introduction to Literary Studies. Routledge, 2012.
3. Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002.

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  2. Mason
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